Kolloq. KG: Globalization and food cultures: challenges of food production by Cooperativism in the context of modernization of agriculture in Goiás-Brazil – Mi. 23.11.2022

Kulturgeographisches Kolloquium (KG):
Globalization and food cultures: challenges of food production by Cooperativism in the context of modernization of agriculture in Goiás-Brazil.

Caio César Alencar de Sena (Brasilien)

Moderation: Adila Brindel, Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze

Globalization is rapidly transforming the geography of food and the ways in which food (re)produces culture from the daily experiences of food availability and taste at the neighborhood scale up to the global homogenization of production and distribution systems (Ritzer 2004). However, the ways in which large-scale structures and processes in the global food apparatus influence and interact with the local-level experiences of food systems in the Global South remain deeply entangled (Santos 1999; Haesbaert 1998). This discussion proposal is anchored in an analysis of the challenges of food production by Cooperativism and their cultural meanings in the context of globalization, drawing on a novel case study in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.

Wann: Mittwoch, 23.11.2022 von 12:30 bis 14:00 Uhr
Wo: Seminarraum 00.175, Wetterkreuz 15; 91058 Erlangen-Tennenlohe.


Vortragsübersicht für das Institutskolloquium im Wintersemester 2022/2023.

Fragen zum Kolloquium?
Organisation: Susanne Schröder-Bergen (KG) (susanne.schroeder-bergen@fau.de</a) & Dr. Johannes Fürst (PG) (johannes.fuerst@fau.de</a)