Axel Drescher
Prof. Dr. Axel Drescher
Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)
Curriculum Vitae
Since Dec. 2016 | Scientific Employee University of Erlangen |
Since Jul. 2016 | Scientific Employee University of Kassel |
2005 – 2016 | Scientific Employee University of Freiburg |
2003 | Prof. (apl.) University Freiburg |
1996 | Habilitation; Topic: „Homegardens in African Spaces“ |
1994 – 1996 | Scholarship German Research Foundation (DFG) |
1990 – 1993 | Lecturer Dept. of Geography, University of Zambia |
1988 | Promotion Geography (University of Freiburg); Topic: “Innovations in Agriculture in Southern Spain“ |
1984 | Diploma Biology (University of Freiburg) |
This list is a selection of publications since 1995
- Glaser R, Kremb K, Drescher A W: Afrika WBG, Darmstadt, 2010
- Amerasinghe P, Weckenbrock P, Simmons R, Acharya S, Drescher A W: An Atlas of Water Quality, Health and Agronomic Risks and Benefits Associated with Wastewater Irrigated Agriculture: A Study from the Banks of the Musi River, India. Internetpublikation, 2009:
- Shackleton C M, Pasquini M W, Drescher A W: African Indigenous Vegetables in Urban Agriculture (PDF) Earthscan, London, 2009
- Baudoin, W. & Drescher, A. (2008). Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and Food Security, FAO: Rome: 84 p.
- Weckenbrock P, Drescher A W, Gorji S: A Manual on Developing a GIS Database for Periurban and Rural Wastewater Irrigated Agriculture. Internetpublikation, 2008:
- Drescher A W: Hausgärten in Afrikanischen Räumen – Bewirtschaftung nachhaltiger Produktionssysteme und Strategien der Ernährungssicherung in Zambia und Zimbabwe. Centaurus, 1998
- Drescher A W: Länderprofil Sambia Klett-Perthes Verlag, 1998
Book contributions
- Drescher, A.W., Isendahl, C., Cruz, M.C., Karg, H., Menakanit, A. (2021). Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in the Global South. In: Shackleton, C.M., Cilliers, S.S., Davoren, E., du Toit, M.J. (eds) Urban Ecology in the Global South. Cities and Nature. Springer, Cham; 293-324.
- Drescher A W, Holmer R J, Glaser R, Hoschek M, Pariyanuj C: Mapping vegetables – understanding the food system of greater Bangkok, Thailand: A web-based Collaborative Research Environment. In: Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Sustaining Small-Scale Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems for Food and Nutrition Security (SEAVEG2014) AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Publication No. 15 – 785, 2015
- Viljoen A, Schlesinger J, Bohn K, Drescher A W: Agriculture in urban design and spatial planning. In: de Zeeuw, H.; Drechsel, P. (2015): Cities and Agriculture. Developing Resilient Urban Food Systems Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2015; 88-120
- Kamga Fogue A, Kouame C, Drescher A W: Dynamics of the vegetable production systems along the rural-urban continuum of Bamenda, Northwest Cameroon . In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban and Peri-Urban Horticulture in the Century of Cities: Lessons. Challenges Opportunities. Acta Horticulturae 1021, 2014
- Drescher A W, Holmer R J, Glaser R, Richert C N: Understanding urban and peri-urban vegetable production and marketing systems through GIS-based community food mapping as part of an interactive collaborative research environment in Southeast Asia – an outlook. In: Proceedings SEAVEG; Regional Symposium – High Value Vegetables in Southeast Asia: Production, Supply and Demand AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Publication No. 1: 272-2772, 2013
- Vandoorne E, Drescher A W: Europas Geodimensionen – der „Küstenkontinent“ oder das „nach Westen ausfransende Asien“. Spanien als hydrologisches Problemgebiet. In: Gebhardt H, Glaser R, Lentz S (Hrsg): Europa – Eine Geographie Springer Spektrum, 2012; 73-78
- Drescher A, Glaser R, Schliermann-Kraus E, Pfeiffer C, Glaser S, Vencatesan J, Nestle M: Vielschichtigkeit ökologischer und sozio-ökonomischer Problemlagen am Beispiel der Megacity Chennai in Südindien als Hotspot von Global Change und Globalisierung. In: Gebhardt, H., Glaser, R., Radtke, U. & Reuber, P. (Hrsg): Geographie – Physische Geographie und Humangeographie Spektrum, 2011; 1233-1239
- Drescher A W, Dongus S: Räumliche Muster und Auswirkungen der Urbanisierung: Das Beispiel Dar es Salaam, Tansania. In: Glaser R., Kremb K., Drescher A.W. (Hrsg): Afrika WBG, 2010; 136-145
- Drescher A W, Glaser R, Kremb K: Afrika: Aspekte des globalen Wandels. In: Glaser R., Kremb K., Drescher A.W. (Hrsg): Afrika WBG, 2010; 9-21
- Glaser R, Drescher A W, Dickow H, Rakotoson S.L., Schönbein J: Leben mit dem Hochwasser: Risikoanalyse von Überflutungsgefahren in Antananarivo, Madagaskar. In: Glaser R., Kremb K., Drescher A.W. (Hrsg): Afrika WBG, 2010; 146-157
- Iaquinta D.L., Drescher A W: Urban Agriculture: A Comparative Review of Allotment and Community Gardens. In: Aitkenhead-Peterson, J. & Volder, A. (Hrsg): Urban Ecosystem Ecology American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, 2010; 199-226
- Magigi W, Drescher A W: Integration of Urban Agriculture into Spatial Planning. In: C.M. Shackleton, M.W. Pasquini, A.W. Drescher (Hrsg): African Indigenous Vegetables in Urban Agriculture Earthscan, 2009; 245-270
- Drescher A W, Holmer R J, Iaquinta D L: Urban Homegardens and Allotment Gardens for Sustainable Livelihoods: Management Strategies and Institutional Environments. In: Nair, P. K. & B. Kumar (Hrsg): Tropical Homegardens: A Time tested Example of Sustainability Springer, 2006; 317-338
- Drescher A W: Hunger, Mangelernährung und Ernährungssicherung im Kontext globaler Entwicklungen. In: Handbuch des Geographieunterrichts Band 8. Entwicklungsländer Aulis Verlag Deubner, 2005; 138-149
- Iaquinta D L, Drescher A W: Food Security in Cities – A New Challenge to Development. In: Brebbia, C.A., J.F. Matrin-Duque & L.C. Wadhwa (Hrsg): The Sustainable City II – Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. Advances in Architecture WIT Press, Wessex Institute of Technology, 2002; 983-994
- Drescher A W: The integration of Urban Agriculture into urban planning – An analysis of the current status and constraints. Published in the Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture, that was produced by ETC-RUAF and published by CTA, Wageningen, the Netherlands in 2001. PDF:
- Drescher A W: Agriculture urbaine dans le tropiques: l‘ exemple de Lusaka, Zambie. In: Koc, M., MacRae, R., Mougeot, L.J.A., Welsh, J. (Hrsg): Armer les Villes contre la faim – système alimentaires urbain durables IDRC, 2000; 71-80
- May Th, Drescher A W: Der Zorn des Herrn der Winde. Der Hurrikan Georges in der Dominikanischen Republik – mittelfristige Auswirkungen im ländlichen Raum.. In: Zollinger, G. (Hrsg): Aktuelle Beiträge zur angewandten Physischen Geographie der Tropen, Subtropen und der Regio TriRhena. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Mäckel. Freiburger Geographische Hefte 60, 2000; 127-144
- Drescher A W: Urban Agriculture in the Seasonal Tropics of Central Southern Africa – A Case Study of Lusaka/Zambia. In: Koc, M.; MacRae, R.; Mougeot, L.J.A.; Welsh, J. (Hrsg): For hunger-proof cities: Sustainable urban food systems IDRC, 1999
Scientific papers
- Shackleton, C.M., Drescher, A., Schlesinger, J. (2020): Urbanisation reshapes gendered engagement in land-based livelihood activities in mid-sized African towns. World Development 130, 104946:
- Barthel, S, Isendahl, C, Vis, B N, Drescher, A, Evans, D L, & van Timmeren, A: Global urbanization and food production in direct competition for land: Leverage places to mitigate impacts on SDG2 and on the Earth System. The Anthropocene Review, 2019, 6 (1-2): 71-97:
- Chiotha, S., Likongwe, P., Drescher, A. (2019): Der Chilwa-See in Malawi – Seine ökologischen Probleme und deren soziale Auswirkungen. Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 71, Heft 11/2019: 38-39.
- Krüger, F., Drescher, A., Louis, N., Titz, A. (2019): Das subsaharische Afrika – Entwicklungsdynamiken, Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze. Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 71, Heft 11/2019: 4-9.
- Krüger, F., Munishi, E., Louis, N., Drescher, A. (2019): Infrastrukturentwicklung und das Recht auf Stadt – Das Beispiel Daressalaam. Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 71, Heft 11/2019: 40-41.
- Chagomoka T, Drescher A W, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J, Nyandoro G: Women’s dietary diversity scores and childhood anthropometric measurements as indices of nutrition insecurity along the urban-rural continuum in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Food & Nutrition Research Food § Nutrition Research, 2016; 60 Suppl. 29425 :
- Chagomoka T, Unger S, Drescher A W, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J: Food coping strategies in Northern Ghana. A socio-spatial analysis along the urban-rural continuum. Agriculture & Food Security, 2016; 5 (4) : http://doi:10.1186/s40066-016-0052-x
- Chagomoka T, Drescher A W, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J, Nyandoro G: Vegetable production, consumption and its contribution to diets along the urban – rural continuum in Northern Ghana. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 2015; 15 (4) : 10352-10367
- Chagomoka T, Drescher A W, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J, Nyandoro G: Contribution of urban and periurban agriculture to household food and nutrition security in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Renew Agr Food Syst, 2015: 1-16 (download: )
- Schlesinger J, Drescher A W, Shackleton C M: Socio-spatial dynamics in the use of wild natural resources: Evidence from six rapidly growing medium-sized cities in Africa Appl Geogr, 2015; 56: 107-115: http://doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.11.013
- Schlesinger J, Munishi E, Drescher A: Ethnicity as a determinant of agriculture in an urban setting – Evidence from Tanzania Geoforum 64, 2015: 138-145: http://10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.06.019
- Kamga A, Kouamé C, Tchindjang M, Chagomoka T, Drescher A W: Environmental impacts from overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides amongst market gardening in Bamenda, Cameroon Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo, 2013; 1: 6-19
- Weckenbrock P, Evans A, Qaiser Majeed M, Ahmad W, Bashir N, Drescher A: Fighting for the right to use wastewater: what drives the use of untreated wastewater in a peri-urban village of Faisalabad, Pakistan? Water International, 2011; 36 (4) : 522-534
- Drescher A W, Gerold J: Urbane Ernährungssicherung-Kreative landwirtschaftliche Nutzung städtischer Räume Geographische Rundschau, 2010: 28-33
- Jacobi J, Drescher A W, Amerasinghe P.H., Weckenbrock P: Agricultural Biodiversity Strengthening Livelihoods in Periurban Hyderabad, India Urban Agriculture Magazine, 2009; 22:
- Magigi W, Drescher A W: The dynamics of land use change and tenure systems in Sub-Saharan Africa cities; learning from Himo community protest, conflict and interest in urban planning practice in Tanzania. Habitat International, doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2009.08.004, 2009
- Pfeiffer C, Glaser S, Vencatesan J, Schliermann-Kraus E, Drescher A W, Glaser R: Facilitating participatory multilevel decision-making by using interactive mental maps Geospatial Health, 2008; 3 (1) : 103-112
- Dongus S, Nyika D, Kannady K, Mtasiwa D, Mshinda H, Fillinger U, Drescher A W, Tanner M, Castro M.C., Killeen G.F.: Participatory mapping of target areas to enable operational larval source management to suppress malaria vector mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania International Journal of Health Geographics, 2007; 6 (1) : 37
- Dongus S, Drescher A W: The use of GIS, GPS and aerial imagery for mapping urban agricultural activities on open space in cities GIS Development Weekly, 2006; 2 (12) :
- Dongus S, Drescher A W: First things first – Mapping the extent of urban agriculture ICT, 2006; 33: 4-6
- Nugent R, Drescher A W: Agriculture, Environment and Health: Searching for Sustaninable Solutions. 2020 Focus Brief, IFPRI, 2006; 14
- Gerold J, Drescher A W, Holmer R J: Kleingärten zur Armutsminderung – Schrebergärten in Cagayan de Oro Südostasien, 2005; 4: 76-77
- Holmer R J, Drescher A W: Building Food-Secure Neighbourhoods: The role of allotment gardens Urban Agriculture Magazine, 2005; 15: 19-20
- Drescher A W, Iaquinta D: Urbanization – Linking Development Across the Changing Landscape Economic and Social Department Publication (ESAC), FAO, Rome, 2003 (PDF download:
- Holmer R J, Clavejo M T, Dongus S, Drescher A W: Allotment Gardens for Philippine Cities (PDF) Urban Agriculture Magazine, 2003; 11: 29-31
- Drescher A W: Urban and peri-urban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda. The Urban Agriculture Magazine, 2001; 4: 6-7
- Drescher A W, Mäckel R: Use of Resource Niches in African Ecosystems: New Research Results from Tanzania, the Chad and Namibia. APT-Reports, 2001; 12
- Drescher A W, Ries J: Landdegradation als Folge des Landnutzungswandels Praxis Geographie, 2001; 1642: 15-20
- Mäckel R, Drescher A W: Resource Niches in Rural and Urban Areas of Africa and their Value for Improved Food Security APT-Reports, 2001; 12: 1-12
- Drescher A W: Verstädterung und Ernährungssicherung im Südlichen Afrika – eine neue Herausforderung für Entwicklungsstrategien. Bähr, J. & U. Jürgens (Hrsg.): Transformationsprozesse im Südlichen Afrika – Konsequenzen für Gesellschaft und Natur. Kieler Geographische Schriften, 2000; 104: 99-114
- Drescher A W, Dittrich Ch, Krüger F, (Hrsg.): Urbanisation, Vulnerability and Resource Management in Developing Countries. APT-Bericht, 2000; 11
- Drescher A W, Mäckel R: Urban food security – the example of Lusaka/Zambia. APT-Report, 2000; 11: 56-79
- Jacobi P, Drescher A W, Amend J: Urban agriculture – a response to crisis? RUAF – NEWSLETTER, 2000
- Drescher A W, Hagmann J, Chuma E: Home gardens – a Neglected Potential for Food Security and Sustainable Land Management in the Communal Lands of Zimbabwe. Der Tropenlandwirt, 1999; 2: 163-180
- Drescher A W, Iaquinta D: Urban and peri-urban Agriculture: A new challenge for the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) FAO – Internal report, 1999
- Drescher A W, Mäckel R: Urban and peri-urban food production: A new challenge for development work – the example of Lusaka, Zambia APT-Report 11, 1999: 1-20
- Drescher A W: Urban Agriculture and Vegetable Marketing in Central Southern Africa (A Case Study of Lusaka/Zambia). African Urban Quarterly, Special Issue to Urban Agriculture, 1998; Vol. 11, No. 3/4: 229-248
- Drescher A W: Länder-Völker-Kontinente – Sambia, Simbabwe, Malawi, Namibia. Bertelsmann Lexikon-Verlag, 1997
- Drescher A W, Herget W: Traditionelle Bewässerungswirtschaft im Wandel – ein Beispiel aus Südspanien (Changes of traditional irrigation agriculture in Southern Spain) Zeitschrift f. Bewässerungswirtschaft, 1997; 32/2: 133-153
- Drescher A W: Die Hausgärten der wechselfeuchten Tropen des Südlichen Afrika – ihre ökologische Funktion und ihr Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherung (Fallstudien aus Sambia) APT-Berichte, 1996; 4
- Drescher A W: Management Strategies in African Homegardens and the Need for new Extension Approaches Peter Lang, 1996: 231-246
- Drescher A W: Lowland-Highland Interaktionen und Landschaftswandel am Beispiel der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft Südspaniens. APT-Berichte, 1996
- Drescher A W: Impacts of Agricultural Innovation and Transformation of the Mountainous Hinterland in the Mediterranean – An Example from Southern Spain (Costa Granadina). Pirineos 145-146: 13-22, 1996
- Drescher A W: Afrikanische Hausgärten als Gegenstand angewandter physisch – geographischer Entwicklungsforschung APT-Berichte 1, 1995: 15-26
- Drescher A W: Landnutzungswandel und rezente Geomorphodynamik an der andalusischen Mittelmeerküste Geoökodynamik, 1995; XVI (2-1995) : 137-152
- Drescher A W: Traditionelle und rezente Landnutzungstrukturen und Nahrungssicherungsysteme im unteren Sambesital (Südsambia) Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1995; 139 (5-6) : 305-322
- Drescher A W: Impacts of Agricultural Innovation and Transformation of the Mountainous Hinterland in the Mediterranean – An Example From Southern Spain (Costa Granadina) Pirineos, 1995; 145-146: 13-22
- Drescher A W: Impacts of Agricultural Innovation and Transformation of the Mountainous Hinterland in the Mediterranean – An Example From Southern Spain (Costa Granadina) Pirineos, 1995; 145-146: 13-22
Geographische Entwicklungsforschung, städtische Ernährungssicherung, Nahrungssysteme, Anwendung geographischer Informationssysteme in der Entwicklungsforschung
- 2022 InCity – Fact Finding Mission Thailand. Funding Agency: DAAD. (together with prof. Dr. F. Krüger)
- 2021 – 2024 CHIDA – Challenges for Inclusive Urban Development in Africa: Designing Nature-Based Solutions and Enhancing Citizenship to Mitigate Hazards and Livelihood Risks. Funding Agency: BMBF. (together with Dr. A. Titz and Prof. Dr. F. Krüger, FAU)
- 2020 – 2022 COVLess – Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Urban Food Systems and Citizenship – Lessons 8Still to Be) Learnt from Singapore and Bangkok. Funding Agency: VW Stiftung. (together with Prof. Dr. F. Krüger, FAU)
- 2017 – 2019 CUPAL – The Resilience of Cuban Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture over the Longue Durée (Uni Erlangen, University of Gothenburg, University of Gävle, Sweden)
- 2016 – 2020 AfriCity – Adaptability, Food Security, Risk, and the Right to the City in Sub-Saharan Africa: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Green Infrastructure. Funding Agency: BMBF. (Uni Erlangen)
- 2013-2018 GlobE: UrbanFoodPlus – African-German partnership to enhance resource use efficiency and improve food security in urban and peri-urban agriculture of West African cities. Funding Agency: BMBF (Uni Kassel)
- 2009 -2016 Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa “Resources, Livelihood Management, Reforms, and Processes of Structural Change” URBANIZATION AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN AFRICA (LUNA). Funding agency: Volkswagen Foundation (Uni Freiburg mit Uni Erlangen)
- 2013-2016 Vegetables go to School, improving nutrition by agricultural diversification. Funding agency: SDC (mit AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center)
- 2012-2013 Understanding urban and periurban vegetable production and marketing systems through GIS-based Community Food Mapping in Greater Bangkok, Thailand. Funding agency: BEAF/GIZ (Uni Freiburg mit – AVRDC The World Vegetable Center)
- 20007-2008 Soutien à la prévention des catastrophes à Madagascar au niveau local, urbain et national. Étude scientifique / d’ingénierie de base approfondie (analyse des risques) sur les risques d’inondation dans la capitale Antananarivo. Funding agency: GIZ
- 2006-2007 Risk assessment of extreme precipitation in the coastal areas of Chennai as an element of catastrophe prevention. Funding agency: GIZ
- 2005-2007 Networking to Promote the Sustainable Production and Marketing of Indigenous Vegetables through Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa – IndigenoVeg. Funding agency: EU
- 2005-2008 Ensuring Health and Food Safety from Rapidly Expanding Wastewater Irrigation in South Asia. Funding agency: BMZ
- 2002-2004 Asia Urbs: GIS based Urban Environmental Planning and Food Security Project „Umweltplanung und Ernährungssicherung in Cagayan de Oro (Philippinen), gestützt durch den Einsatz Geographischer Informationssysteme (GIS)“ Funding agency: EU