Institutskolloquium Physische Geographie – 20.07.2022

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Tipping Elements in the Earth System

Prof. Marisa Montoya (IGEO Madrid)

There is increasing concern that certain large-scale components of the Earth may respond highly nonlinearly at critical future levels of anthropogenic forcing. Examples of such tipping elements are thought to be the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, the Greenland and the Antarctic ice
sheets, the Amazon rainforest, etc. At the heart of tipping is the existence of self-amplification processes that once triggered dominate the dynamics for a certain period of time and thereby induce a qualitative change within the system that can potentially be irreversible on long timescales. However, considerable uncertainties remain in the level of critical forcings, the irreversibility, the couplings between different components, and the associated risk of potential tipping cascades. Here I review the main mechanisms underlying tipping processes in the Earth System, the evidence for
tipping in the past, the associated uncertainties, and the main research tools. Emphasis is placed on one of the elements of main current concern due to its crucial role in future sea-level rise: the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Wann: Mittwoch, 20.07.2022 von 12:30 bis 14:00 Uhr
Wo: Findet Online via Zoom statt.

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Pflichtveranstaltung im Rahmen der Bachelor-Studiengänge / neue LPO – = Modul KG 16/17; Modul PG16/17; Modul GZB 12/13; Modul GLG 12/13/14/15
Fragen zum Kolloquium?
Organisation: Dr. Julia Kieslinger (KG) ( & Dr. Johannes Fürst (PG) (