Kolloq. PG: Impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change on oak forest health in the Zagros Mountains, Iran. – Mi. 11.01.2023

Physisch-geographisches Kolloquium (PG):
Impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change on oak forest health in the Zagros Mountains, Iran.
Dr. Mohsen Arsalani

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Achim Bräuning

The Zagros Mountain range in western Iran serves as a water tower for the surrounding arid and semi-arid basins. The mountain region hosts the largest oak forest biome in western Asia, which has important soil conservation and water regulation functions in the semi-arid region. In recent years, dramatic changes in seasonal climatic variability and frequency of extreme climate events have negatively affected the dry forest biome and as related negative consequences of climate change for about 1.5 million ha of oak woodlands. Traditional pastoralism and dry farming, which are highly adapted to the seasonal precipitation pattern during the autumn to spring seasons, represent the main sources of livelihood for a large number of local people in the Zagros Mts. The sustainability of the fragile ecosystem is also threatened by anthropogenic activities, which intensify the negative impacts of the ongoing climate change on the oak forest and limited water resources. The talk presents pioneer tree-ring-based temperature and precipitation reconstructions in the Zagros Mts., the strong negative impacts of the ongoing climate change on oak forest health, and highlights climate regime shifts during the last five centuries. In addition, it highlights anthropogenic activities, which intensify the impacts of climate change on the oak decline phenomenon in the sensitive ecosystem.

Wann: Mittwoch, 11.01.2023 von 12:30 bis 14:00 Uhr
Wo: Hörsaal C, Kochstr. 4 – Eingang Hindenburgstraße, Erlangen.


Vortragsübersicht für das Institutskolloquium im Wintersemester 2022/2023.
Fragen zum Kolloquium? Organisation: Susanne Schröder-Bergen (KG) (susanne.schroeder-bergen@fau.de) & Dr. Johannes Fürst (PG) (johannes.fuerst@fau.de)